We provide easy collection from our warehouse in St Marys.
For small & non bulkly items we provide easy access from within our parcel lockers, larger items including bubble wrap, foam etc we provide collection from our warehouse directly.
Once you item is ready for collection you will receive a collection notice.
Click & Collect Parcel Lockers
Free click & collect from our warehouse in St Marys directly from our own parcel lockers outside our warehouse, it's quick, easy & safe.ย Collection from 8am to 6pm daily. Please note outside of these hours the gate will automatically lock and we cannot open this remotely, it's set on a timer which we cannot control.
To access this service simply place your order online, choose "Click & Collect" and wait for the message for when your item will be ready to collect. If it's urgent please contact us to have the process sped up. It's free, easy, contactless & can be picked up when you are ready to do so.
How does Click & Collect work?
Step 1:ย Place your order online via our website and choose "Click & Collect"
Step 2:ย You will be sent a message for your locker number along with instructions & a pin code to access your items
Step 3:ย Your items must be collected betwee 8am to 6pm daily
Please note you must collect your item within 48 hours once the item has been placed into the locker, if you cannot please contact us to let us know.